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Instructions for arrival

Hotel Verso is located in the heart of the Jyväskylä city centre, by the pedestrian shopping street. The hotel is surrounded by theatres, cinema, gyms, restaurants, night clubs and excellent opportunities for shopping. The jogging trails of Jyväskylä Harju and the beach routes around lake Jyväsjärvi are nearby as well.

Arrival by car
Parking garage address: Yliopistonkatu 15 »
Address for drop off: Asemakatu 12 »

The entrance of the hotel is on the pedestrian street. When arriving by car, we recommend driving straight to the parking hall underneath the hotel, where you can access the hotel by elevator. For taxis and drop offs we recommend the vehicle turnaround area at Asemakatu 12, only a 100 meter walk from the hotel reception. 

See driving instructions »

Arrival by public transport 
Hotel address: Kauppakatu 35 »

To arrive to the hotel from Jyväskylä Travelcenter and Paviljonki Tradecenter, go up street Väinönkatu and turn left to the pedestrian street Kauppakatu. The walk from the travelcenter is about 460 meters. 
